Now a natural question is why it took so long for anyone to find a moon in our own solar system.The answer is that it is partly a matter of where astronomers point their instruments and partlya matter of what their instruments are designed to detect, and partly it's just Pluto. Mostly it'swhere they point their instruments. In the words of the astronomer Clark Chapman: "Mostpeople think that astronomers get out at night in observatories and scan the skies. That's nottrue. Almost all the telescopes we have in the world are designed to peer at very tiny littlepieces of the sky way off in the distance to see a quasar or hunt for black holes or look at adistant galaxy. The only real network of telescopes that scans the skies has been designedand built by the military."
We have been spoiled by artists' renderings into imagining a clarity of resolution that doesn'texist in actual astronomy. Pluto in Christy's photograph is faint and fuzzy—a piece of cosmiclint—and its moon is not the romantically backlit, crisply delineated companion orb you wouldget in a National Geographic painting, but rather just a tiny and extremely indistinct hint ofadditional fuzziness. Such was the fuzziness, in fact, that it took seven years for anyone tospot the moon again and thus independently confirm its existence.