The answer lies partly with the fact that eighteenth-century scientists, the French in particular,seldom did things simply if an absurdly demanding alternative was available, and partlywith a practical problem that had first arisen with the English astronomer Edmond Halleymany years before—long before Bouguer and La Condamine dreamed of going to SouthAmerica, much less had a reason for doing so.
Halley was an exceptional figure. In the course of a long and productive career, he was a seacaptain, a cartographer, a professor of geometry at the University of Oxford, deputy controllerof the Royal Mint, astronomer royal, and inventor of the deep-sea diving bell. He wroteauthoritatively on magnetism, tides, and the motions of the planets, and fondly on the effectsof opium. He invented the weather map and actuarial table, proposed methods for working outthe age of the Earth and its distance from the Sun, even devised a practical method for keepingfish fresh out of season. The one thing he didn't do, interestingly enough, was discover thecomet that bears his name. He merely recognized that the comet he saw in 1682 was thesame one that had been seen by others in 1456, 1531, and 1607. It didn't become Halley'scomet until 1758, some sixteen years after his death.