In fact, even if you were to look inside the head,you still couldn't see the brain "doing" anything—theenergy brains use to operate is not visible.Nevertheless, brain activity can be recorded on an EEG just by taping a few electrodes tosomeone's scalp. How is that?
The answer is that the brain runs on electrical energy. Individual brain cells, called neurons,regularly discharge tiny electrical impulses between themselves: this is the way theycommunicate. All these electrical impulses add up to create what are called "brain waves."
An EEG relies on the fact that this electrical energy can be transmitted along a thin metalwire. By placing electrodes on someone's scalp, you can get the electricity from their brain totravel across the wire and into the EEG, where it is charted on a graph. Then, by looking at alarge number of graphs taken when test subjects are doing different things—such as reading,resting, listening to music, or sleeping—researchers can distinguish different characteristicbrain wave patterns. Once there is a standard of healthy patterns to refer to, it then becomespossible to recognize abnormal brain waves that signal something going awry.
It isn't really reading your mind, but the EEG is a machine that can read the overallelectrical state of your brain. Since its creation in 1929, the EEG has proved an invaluable toolin understanding sleep disorders, in diagnosing patients for epilepsy and brain tumors, and in awhole host of other medical areas.