The world's largest power plant is being built.
And 1,300 men are digging a massive tunnel 2.5 miles into bedrock.
1300人正在挖掘一条巨大的隧道 深入岩床2.5英里
Once complete, the raw power of the falls will generate a mind boggling 120,000 horse power.
一经建成 瀑布的原始力量将产生难以置信的12万马力电能
More than all the electricity being produced throughout the country combined.
Niagara is a watershed in the history of the electric industry.
It shows that it is not only feasible but practical to transmit electricity over distance.
它显示出电力不但可行 还能长距离运输
The Niagara power station will be capable of generating enough electricity to light the entireNortheast.
To take such a incredibly famous place that's got this extraordinary water power and harnessit to electricity was going to make the case to the world that this was something you could doeverywhere.
找到如此著名的地方 利用它丰富的水力资源 驾驭它来进行发电 这是向全世界昭示这是任何地方都可以做到的
But the Niagara Power Company hasn't yet decided who will power the generators......Morganand Edison's D.C. or Tesla's A.C.
但是尼亚加拉电力公司还没决定用谁的发电机 是摩根和爱迪生的直流电 还是特斯拉的交流电