He undertakes the country's first whistle-stop presstour.
Criss-crossing the nation and speaking directly to thepeople.
The tour becomes the model for the way Presidential campaigns are conducted to this day.
Bryan gives over 500 speeches to huge crowds across the country.
I will put rings in the noses of these hogs.
Publicly attacking the nation's richest and most powerful men and vowing to usher in a wholenew era.
公开抨击国家最富有最强大的人 并声称要引领一个全新的时代
As Bryan's campaign gains traction, the nation's leading industrialists turn to fear tactics.
随着布赖恩的竞选势头加快 这些领头的实业家转向了恐惧策略
Many big employers-- many big industrialists said, "if Bryan wins this election, business isgoing to be so bad we're simply closing shop.
许多大雇主 大实业家说如果布赖恩赢了这次选举 生意就没法做了 我们只是关门
So, if Bryan wins on election Tuesday, don't bother showing up for work on the next daybecause there won't be jobs."
所以如果周二的选举布赖恩赢了 第二天就不用来上班了 因为工作都没有了
Well, if you're a worker and this is something that confronts you, you're going to think veryseriously--even if you had been intending to vote for Bryan, which way does...maybe your heartleans towards Bryant, but where does your pocketbook point.
你要是工人而又举棋不定的话 你可要想清楚了 就算你本来准备选布赖恩 心理上倾向于他 但是你的钱袋又倾向于谁呢 但是 你的钱袋子呢
On election day the lines are drawn.
It's Wall Street versus Main Street, rich versus poor.
是华尔街与缅因街 富人与穷人之间的较量
One of the things of an evolving society is that--is the wealth distribution and it's clear that weargue about today has a corner in every politics.
社会的发展总会面临财富分配的问题 显然这是我们当今争论的焦点 是政治的核心所在
Is it better with wealth in the hands of a few, versus distributing among the many, whetherfrom a moral or an economic point of view.
财富是集中在少数人手中好 还是在众人之间分配的好 这是道义上以及经济上的一大问题