Welcome to ten minutes of international current events. I`m Carl Azuz, broadcasting from the CNN Center.。
First up, shares of Mitsubishi Motors, a carmaker based in Japan, are in a record low. Car companies are required to test the fuel efficiency, the gas mileage of their vehicles. Now, Mitsubishi recently admitted that it had cheated on its fuel economy tests, essentially saying their cars got better gas mileage than they really did and that the company has been doing this for as long as 25 years.
This includes the gas mileage for hundreds of thousands of vehicles, including some sold to the carmaker Nissan. But only the Mitsubishi sold in Japan are believed to have the wrong gas mileage information. The company says car sold in the U.S. and other countries were tested the right way and have accurate fuel economy measurement.
The scandal has decreased Mitsubishi`s market value by 50 percent. Other carmakers including Kia, Hyundai and Ford have paid a price for overstating their cars` gas mileage.
Dangerous forecast last night for many parts of the U.S. Midwest. The National Weather Service said tornadoes like this one damaging hail, destructive winds were expected. A CNN meteorologist said a tornado outbreak was possible, and in the path of all of it, more than 3.6 million Americans.
昨晚昨天美国中西部接到危险警示。美国国家气象中心称龙卷风如破坏性的冰雹、破坏性的风是已经预料到了。一位CNN 气象学家表示可能爆发龙卷风。
Remembering a massive deadly tornado from 2013, two Oklahoma school districts shut down and some others let students out early yesterday.
Nebraska, Kansas and north Texas also had weather warnings.
Welcome to ten minutes of international current events. I`m Carl Azuz, broadcasting from the CNN Center.
First up, shares of Mitsubishi Motors, a carmaker based in Japan, are in a record low. Car companies are required to test the fuel efficiency, the gas mileage of their vehicles. Now, Mitsubishi recently admitted that it had cheated on its fuel economy tests, essentially saying their cars got better gas mileage than they really did and that the company has been doing this for as long as 25 years.
This includes the gas mileage for hundreds of thousands of vehicles, including some sold to the carmaker Nissan. But only the Mitsubishi sold in Japan are believed to have the wrong gas mileage information. The company says car sold in the U.S. and other countries were tested the right way and have accurate fuel economy measurement.
The scandal has decreased Mitsubishi`s market value by 50 percent. Other carmakers including Kia, Hyundai and Ford have paid a price for overstating their cars` gas mileage.
Dangerous forecast last night for many parts of the U.S. Midwest. The National Weather Service said tornadoes like this one damaging hail, destructive winds were expected. A CNN meteorologist said a tornado outbreak was possible, and in the path of all of it, more than 3.6 million Americans.
Remembering a massive deadly tornado from 2013, two Oklahoma school districts shut down and some others let students out early yesterday.
Nebraska, Kansas and north Texas also had weather warnings.