Hello, I am Jerry Smit with the BBC news.、
A day after an Egypt airplane dropped off the radar close to Cairo no debris has yet been discovered, rescue teams are continuing to search the east Mediterranean for wreckage. Egyption officials initially thought part of the plane have been found, later admitted that was mistaken. Kevin Conelly reports from Cairo, Greiving family members of the lost passengers have come from France, from Kuawait, and from far desert villages in Egypt,their arrival will intensify pressure on Egyption government to demonstrate it is responsible to the latest aviation disaster. It's both competent and companionate, the attraction of the claim that the wreckage of the plane had already be found, that something of embarrassment, one official said we got it wrong.
The Israeli defense minister Mashelia Along has announced its resignation and in a report that the prime minister Benjamin Nethanyahu, wants to bring a hardline party into his governing coalition. On Thursday, Mr Along addresed at meeting of youth group leaders saying Israel had lost its moral campus. Israeli media say Mr Nethanyahu has already offered the defence posted to the right wing politician of Victor Lebman.
以色列国防部长雅隆宣布辞职,称“危险的极端主义者已经占领了这个国家”。他和以色列总理内塔尼亚胡多次因为以军队在处理巴勒斯坦人暴力的问题上发生分歧。周四,在对青年领袖的演讲中,雅隆讲到以色列已经失去了自身的道德原则。以色列媒体报道 称,雅隆辞职后,以色列前外长、极右翼的利伯曼将担任国防部长。“如若成真,以色列将诞生历史上最右的政府。”
The Nigerian military's senior spokesman says he is optimistic that all the girls kidnapped by Boko Haram militants more than two years ago from Chibok school will be rescued. The officer Conell San Uzman spoke to the BBC after the second Chibok girl was freed this week during a clearance operation, she was part of a group of nearly 100 women and children, We are confident and optimistic, officially now that we have been carried out operation that cut down which is main to threat Boko Haram in some disposable acts and it's been unyielding resistance, so we have continue to fight on.
2年前,尼日利亚“塔利班”武装分子从Chibok学校绑架了将近100名一批妇女和儿童,对此尼日利亚军方高级发言人表示,自己对这种情况持乐观态度。在本周的行动中,第二名女孩被释放。尼日利亚官员Conell San Uzman表示,我们很乐观,对自己很有信心,我们现在采取的行动将会威胁到塔利班武装分子,对于持续抵抗的武装分子,我们将会继续战斗。
The most prominent surviving member of the group that carried out the Paris attack, Salah Abudslam, is due to be questioned by French judges today. Abdslam is thought to played key planning role in the November attacks in which 130 people were killed.
巴黎恐怖袭击案策划人员中唯一的幸存人员,Salah Abudslam,今日有法国法官提审。官方认为Salah Abudslam11月份的巴黎恐怖袭击案中充当了关键性的角色。去年11月,法国巴黎发生恐怖袭击案,130人遇难。
World news from the BBC.
Officials in Shri-Lanka said the number of people killed in floods and mud slides has raisen to more than 60, with over 130 still missing, days of torrential rain have flooded large part of the island, three hillside villages have been burried by thick red mud, Hhundreds of soldiers are searching for survivers.
The San Francisco police chief Greek Sir has resigned hours after an officer shotting killed a young black woman, who is driving a suspected stolen car. The resignation was announced by the mayor, the San Francisco police department and its chief had recently come up to fierce criticism over the death of several black suspects and reports that a number of officers has exchanged races tax messages.
Oliar packets of cigarette sold in Britain from today must have the same plain packaging, this follows a final whooling by court in London on Thursday, striking down ta challenge by four of the world's biggest tobacco company. The British government says it hopes to deter young people from starting smoking. Sangitar Moiske reports,Packs will be uniformally green with large image showing the harmful affects of smoking, henceforth, the brand name will be restricted to stand aside front and color. From 2020, all men-force cigarettes will also be banned, tobacco company have been givinga year to set out stock and and full the implement the changes onto the EU directive. It's estimated that across the European Union, around 700000 people died prematurely as a result of smoking.
从今天开始,在英国销售的香烟必须有相同的包装,这是星期四伦敦法院最后的决议,这就为世界四大烟草公司带来了前所未有的挑战,英国政府表示,希望借此可以阻止年轻人吸烟,以下是本台记者(Sangitar Moiske)发回的详细报道,包装上将有均匀的绿色大图显示吸烟有害,品牌的名字将受到限制,包括位置靠边,以及颜色方面。自2020年开始,吸烟将会被禁止,烟草公司也会根据欧盟的指令制定股票以及做出相关改变。据欧盟统计。每年大约有700000人死于吸烟。
Scientists in the United States have developed tiny drone for size of small corn. The flying robot has inside like flapping wings and an electric static pat that allow them to land on the ceiling, that way they can perch and conserve energy before continuing their flight. Developer has hope that sworns of the small drones with senses can help to map out the area of natural disasters.
Hello, I am Jerry Smit with the BBC news.
A day after an Egypt airplane dropped off the radar close to Cairo no debri has yet been discovered, rescue teams are continuing to search the east mediterranean for rackage. Egyption officials initially thought part of the plane have been found, later admitted that was mistaken. Kevin Conelly rrports from Cairo, Greiving family members of the lost passengers have come from France, from Kuawait, and from far desert villages in Egypt,their arrival will intensify pressure on Egyption government to demonstrate it is responsible to the latest aviation disaster. It's both competent and compationate, the attraction of the claim that the rackage of the plane had already be found, that something of embarrasement, one official said we got it wrong.
The Israeli defence minister Mashelia Along has announced its resignation and in a report that the prime minister Benjamin Nethanyahu, wants to bring a hardline party into his governing coalition. On Thursday, Mr Along addresed at meeting of youth group leaders saying Israel had lost its moral campus. Israeli media say Mr Nethanyahu has already offered the defence posted to the right wing politician of Victor Lebman.
The Nigerian military's senior spokeman says he is optimistic that all the girls kidnapped by Boko Haram militants more than two years ago from Chibok school will be rescued. The officer Conell San Uzman spoke to the BBC after the second Chibok girl was freed this week during a clearance operation, she was part of a group of nearly 100 women and children, We are confident and optimistic, officially now that we have been carried out operation that cut down which is main to threat Boko Haram in some disposable acts and it's been unyielding resistance, so we have continue to fight on.
The most prominent surviving memeber of the group that carried out the Paris attack, Salah Abudslam, is due to be questioned by French judges today. Abdslam is thought to played key planing role in the November attacks in which 130 people were killed.
Taiwan's new president Cai Yingwen who has just be swore in has ordered China to put aside the baggage of jistory. Relations between the countries have cooled since Ms Cai was elected in January. Cindy Suu is outside the presidential office in Taipei, Ms Cai faces immense challenges, first in formals, maintaining good relations of China, that may be difficult. Ms Cai's party favors Taiwan's independence from China. She has so far refuse to accept Beijing's cliche that she must accept the principle of One China before they will work for her, but some sort of understanding of Beijing will be essential, nearly 40% of Taiwan's exports go to China and Beijing has hundreds of missiles pointed to torn the island.
World news from the BBC.
Officials in Shri-Lanka said the number of people killed in floods and mud slides has raisen to more than 60, with over 130 still missing, days of torrential rain have flooded large part of the island, three hillside villages have been burried by thick red mud, Hhundreds of soldiers are searching for survivers.
The San Francisco police chief Greek Sir has resigned hours after an officer shotting killed a young black woman, who is driving a suspected stolen car. The resignation was announced by the mayor, the San Francisco police department and its chief had recently come up to fierce criticism over the death of several black suspects and reports that a number of officers has exchanged races tax messages.
Oliar packets of cigarette sold in Britain from today must have the same plain packaging, this follows a final whooling by court in London on Thursday, striking down ta challenge by four of the world's biggest tobacco company. The British government says it hopes to deter young people from starting smoking. Sangitar Moiske reports,Packs will be uniformally green with large image showing the harmful affects of smoking, henceforth, the brand name will be restricted to stand aside front and color. From 2020, all men-force cigarettes will also be banned, tobacco company have been givinga year to set out stock and and full the implement the changes onto the EU directive. It's estimated that across the European Union, around 700000 people died prematurely as a result of smoking.
Scientists in the United States have developed tiny drone for size of small corn. The flying robot has inside like flapping wings and an electric static pat that allow them to land on the ceiling, that way they can perch and conserve energy before continuing their flight. Developer has hope that sworns of the small drones with senses can help to map out the area of natural disasters.
BBC news.