Hello, I am Neil Nunes with the BBC news.
There have been extraordinary scenes in the US congress where democratic party politicians are stating a certain to the manned tighter gun laws. They occupied the floor of the the House of Representatives late to the night. The Republican speaker Paul Ryan was shouted down when he attempted to resume normal proceeding, Mr Ryan has dismiss the certain as a publicity stand. More from Laura Becca in Washington, It started out quiet quietly, it started odd waits, the congress man John Louis going to the front and trying to make speech for five minutes and asked his colleagues join him on the floor, and now, we have hundreds, I think there are 200 democratic representatives sitting, singing, clasping hands, holding a loft picture of victims of mass shootings. We have hundreds of protesters outside congress. They are in sympathy with those who are taking part in the certain, this is on presented.
在美国国会出现戏剧性的场面,民主党政客发表声明要求表决收紧枪械管制法。他们在众议院议事厅内静坐,直至深夜。共和党发言人保罗·瑞安大声反对,他试图恢复正常程序。瑞安先生批评民主党的行动是公关把戏。更多消息来自华盛顿Laura Becca。一开始很安静,怪异的静坐氛围。国会议员约翰路易斯走到台前,试图做一次五分钟的演讲并且号召他的同事加入。现在我们已有数百人,我想有200名民主党的代表在议事厅静坐、演唱、紧握着双手,拿着很多大规模枪击事件受害者的照片。在国会外,我们有数百名抗议者,他们赞同那些提倡法案的人们,这就是今天所介绍的内容。
The North Korea leader Kim says missile tests carried out on Wednesday proved his country is capable of attacking US interests in the pacific. State media in Pyong yang said he personally supervised the testing of two medium range missiles. A UN spokesman Forhan Park said the test were a violation of international sanctions against North Korea, At another launch of ballistic missile by the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, in defiance of the unanimous will of international community is breaking an irresponsible act. This is a deliberate and grave violation of international obligations. The continued pursue by the DPRK of nuclear weapons and ballastic missiles, will only undermine the security and fail to improve the lives of its citizens.
朝鲜最高领导人金正恩表示,在周三进行的导弹试射证明了朝鲜有能力攻击美国在太平洋地区的利益。朝鲜国家媒体表示他亲自监督两个中程导弹的测试。联合国发言人Forhan Park表示该测试违反了对朝鲜的国际制裁。然而朝鲜民主主义人民共和国无视国际社会的一致意愿,再次发射另一枚弹道导弹,这是不负责任的行为。这故意并且严重违反了国际义务。朝鲜不断从事测试核武器和弹道导弹,只会破坏安全性并无法改善市民的生活。
The medical charity MSF said nearly 200 people in north east Neigeria who fled the militant Islamist Boko Haram have died of starvation and dehydration in the past month at nake shaved camp. Katty Winner has the detail,MSF staff are warning that a catastrophic humanitarian emergency is unfolding at the camp in the city of Barma in Bono State, where more than 20000 people have taken shelter, in a statement they said around a fifth of the children they screened were suffering from a curious malnutrition. The head of the MSF mission in Neigeria said new graves will be duggling in daily basis and at least six people a day come to hungry disease.
医疗慈善机构无国界医生组织表示,过去一个月,在尼日利亚东北部,从激进的伊斯兰组织博科圣地逃离的近200人,已死于饥饿和脱水。请听来自Katty Winner的详细报道。无国界医生组织人员警告称一场灾难性的人道主义危机正在营地上演,在波诺州,Barma 市。超过20000人已经受到庇护,在一份声明中他们表示检查过的儿童中约五分之一患严重营养不良。尼日利亚无国界医生组织使馆馆长声称每天都会挖新的坟墓,每天至少有6人患上饥饿病。
A new study indicates that the number of women in Latin America seeking to terminate their pregnancies low sharply following warnings about the effect of the Zika virus on unborn children. Researchers find online request for abortion pills doubled in Brazil and Equador as the firstZika alert issued last November. They’ve rose by about third in Ecuador, CostaRica and Colombia. Zika has been linked to microencephaly in babies which canlead to severe birth defects.
World news from the BBC.
The Columbian government and Farc rebels have agreed a joint ceasefire, the details will be made public later on Thursday. The Columbia president J M S has said the final peace deal could be signed next month. Will Grad reports, The war in Columbia has lasted more than five decades, claimed more than 22000 lives and left millions of displace. It's heart was a bitter dispute of landary distribution and peasant rights but it has evolved over the years into a brutal grave of the war founded by the illegal drug's trade on the one side and Washinton's military might on the other. Now finally peace is in sight. The Columbia president Juan will be in Harvana for the announcement of the ceasefire and will meet the leader of Farc.
哥伦比亚政府和哥伦比亚革命武装力量反政府武装达成联合停火协议。该协议细节将在周四晚些时候公布。哥国总统桑托斯(Juan Manuel Santos)表示下个月签订最后和平协议。Will Grad 报道。哥伦比亚的流血冲突长达五十多年,已经造成超过22万人丧生和数百万人流离失所。协议的中心在于关于土地分布与农民权利的激烈争端。但是多年来它已经演变成残酷的战争,由非法药品贸易和华盛顿军事力量所缔造。现在终于和平在望。哥伦比亚总统桑托斯将在古巴哈瓦那宣布停火并将与哥伦比亚革命武装力量的领导人会面。
Brazil's supreme court has ruled there is enough evidence to fire a new corruption charges and can suspend the leader of the Lower House of the Congress Advanger S. S led the im process against the suspended president Dilma Roussef. He is charged with receiving bribes and hiving the money in secret accounts abroad. Sconia has denied any wrong doing and says he want to resign.
Russia's national weight lifing team could face a one year ban from international competition for doping violations exclude it from the Olympic Games in August. The threaten suspention are oust by the international weight lifting federation follows the retesting of samples from the Olympic in 2008 and 2012.
A former president of the UN general assembly who was facing corruption charges in the US has died at the age of 61. John Ash was UN ambassador for Antiga Elbabuda. His lawyer said that he suffered a heart attack. Mr.Ash was indicted by a grand jury in October or recozations that he accepted 1.3 million dollars of bribes from Chinese businesman.
BBC news.
Hello, I am Neil Nunes with the BBC news.
There have been extraordinary scenes in the US congress where democratic party politicians are stating a certain to the manned tighter gun laws. They occupied the floor of the the House of Representatives late to the night. The Republican speaker Paul Ryan was shouted down when he attempted to resume normal proceeding, Mr Ryan has dismiss the certain as a publicity stand. More from Laura Becca in Washington, It started out quiet quietly, it started odd waits, the congress man John Louis going to the front and trying to make speech for five minutes and asked his colleagues join him on the floor, and now, we have hundreds, I think there are 200 democratic representatives sitting, singing, clasping hands, holding a loft picture of victims of mass shootings. We have hundreds of protesters outside congress. They are in sympathy with those who are taking part in the certain, this is on presented.
The North Korea leader Kim says missile tests carried out on Wednesday proved his country is capable of attacking US interests in the pacific. State media in Pyong yang said he personally supervised the testing of two medium range missiles. A UN spokesman Forhan Park said the test were a violation of international sanctions against North Korea, At another launch of ballistic missile by the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, in defiance of the unanimous will of international community is breaking an irresponsible act. This is a deliberate and grave violation of international obligations. The continued pursue by the DPRK of nuclear weapons and ballastic missiles, will only undermine the security and fail to improve the lives of its citizens.
The medical charity MSF said nearly 200 people in north east Neigeria who fled the militant Islamist Boko Haram have died of starvation and dehydration in the past month at nake shaved camp. Katty Winner has the detail,MSF staff are warning that a catastrophic humanitarian emergency is unfolding at the camp in the city of Barma in Bono State, where more than 20000 people have taken shelter, in a statement they said around a fifth of the children they screened were suffering from a curious malnutrition. The head of the MSF mission in Neigeria said new graves will be duggling in daily basis and at least six people a day come to hungry disease.
A new study indicates that the number of women in Latin America seeking to terminate their pregnancies low sharply following warnings about the effect of the Zika virus on unborn children. Researchers find online request for abortion pills doubled in Brazil and Equador as the firstZika alert issued last November. They’ve rose by about third in Ecuador, CostaRica and Colombia. Zika has been linked to microencephaly in babies which canlead to severe birth defects.
World news from the BBC.
The Columbian government and Farc rebels have agreed a joint ceasefire, the details will be made public later on Thursday. The Columbia president J M S has said the final peace deal could be signed next month. Will Grad reports, The war in Columbia has lasted more than five decades, claimed more than 22000 lives and left millions of displace. It's heart was a bitter dispute of landary distribution and peasant rights but it has evolved over the years into a brutal grave of the war founded by the illegal drug's trade on the one side and Washinton's military might on the other. Now finally peace is in sight. The Columbia president Juan will be in Harvana for the announcement of the ceasefire and will meet the leader of Farc.
Brazil's supreme court has ruled there is enough evidence to fire a new corruption charges and can suspend the leader of the Lower House of the Congress Advanger S. S led the im process against the suspended president Dilma Roussef. He is charged with receiving bribes and hiving the money in secret accounts abroad. Sconia has denied any wrong doing and says he want to resign.
Russia's national weight lifing team could face a one year ban from international competition for doping violations exclude it from the Olympic Games in August. The threaten suspention are oust by the international weight lifting federation follows the retesting of samples from the Olympic in 2008 and 2012.
A former president of the UN general assembly who was facing corruption charges in the US has died at the age of 61. John Ash was UN ambassador for Antiga Elbabuda. His lawyer said that he suffered a heart attack. Mr.Ash was indicted by a grand jury in October or recozations that he accepted 1.3 million dollars of bribes from Chinese businesman.
BBC news.