Hey, what did Noel Kahn say to you after the memorial?
Hello, we are taking the S.A.T.S in less than 12 hours.
拜托 12小时后就高考了
Can we focus? Okay, Spencer,you do not need to know any more big words.
能专心复习吗 好的 斯宾塞 你不必再记这些晦涩的单词了
You're already scary enough to anyone under 50.
I'm not scary! Am I scary? A little.
我又不可怕 我很吓人吗 有点
Hey, I saw Noel Kahn hug you,and he did not wanna let go.
Talk about not wanting to let something go.
Why can't you give him a chance?
He's smart, he's cute.
他又聪明 又靓仔
His dad owns, like, half of Rhode Island,and he's got great lips.
他老爸貌似拥有半个罗德岛 而且有性感的嘴唇
His father? No. Ew.
他老爸吗 不 真恶心
Seriously, Aria, you and Noel would look amazing together.
老实说 艾瑞亚 你和诺埃尔 真是郎才女貌
Can we just drop it, please?
I'm not looking for anything more than a friend.
Why? Don't you have enough on Facebook?
为什么 你Facebook还没玩够吗
Besides, don't you want someone real,someone you can, I don't know, scratch andsniff?
另外 你难道不想身边真有那么个人 能让你 抓抓挠挠 闻一闻吗
Wow. Maybe you should just eat that over the garbage.
天呐 你真该去垃圾桶前吃东西
Look, I am trying to help out a friend here.
We don't all have smoking hot ball boys from the country club.