Paige. 佩奇
I have to get straight home. Text you later? 我得直接回家 一会儿给你发短信
Can you walk me to work, at least? 你能陪我走到打工的地方吗
You know how it's been since Halloween. 你也知道万圣节过后的情况
My parents are just being cautious. 我父母变得十分小心谨慎
If I'm even a little late, I get blasted. 即使晚一小会儿 肯定又是一顿数落
Tell me about it. 我最清楚不过了
My dad almost made me quit my job. 我爸差点就让我辞职
You know why he's doing that, right? 你知道你爸这么做的原因 对吗
Things have happened to you. And to you. 你身上确实发生了一些事 你也是
Yeah, I get that he wants 因为之前发生的事
to keep me safe because of what happened, 我知道他想保证我的安全
but I wanna keep moving forward. 但是我想走出过去继续向前
How can you not think about what we went through? 那些经历你怎么可能说忘就能忘
I'll never forget. 我一直记着
But looking back for me ended in that lighthouse. 但是灯塔岩客栈的事已经过去了
We've both been cooped up. 我们俩得呆家里
Some of the girls from the swim team 游泳队的一些人
are having a party in the woods. 要在森林里办派对
Don't you have a curfew? 你不是有宵禁吗
Yeah. We'll go on the early side 有啊 所以我们早去
so I can get back on time. 就能准时赶回来了
I think it'll do both of us some good. 我觉得去玩玩对我们都好
You in? - Yeah, I'm in. 去吗 -好 我去
Cool. I'll text them and let them know we're coming. 好 我发短信告诉她们我们要过去
Okay. 好