Where is he? 他去哪里了
Your father went to campus for a little while. 你爸去学校了
He had some work to get done. 他有些事情要处理
Feeling any better? 感觉好点没
No. Um, I thought it was all the stuff with my dad 没呢 我以为是我爸的这些事
that was tying me up in knots. 让我很不好受
Now I think I have the actual flu. Yay. 现在我觉得是真的得流感了
It's my powerhouse potion. All herbal. 这是我的特效药剂 纯草药
I make a big pot at the first sign of anything. 一有生病的兆头我就来一大壶
Trust me, it works wonders. 相信我 真的很有用
I don't think Byron knows we have those pages. 拜伦应该不知道我们有这几页纸
So if you want, I can take them-- 如果你愿意 我可以把它们
No, don't worry. I hid them. 不 不用担心 我把它们藏起来了
Is there any way this was some horrible accident? 这有没有可能是个可怕的意外
Your father would never intentionally hurt that girl... 你爸永远不会故意要伤害那女孩
Would he? 对吗
Well, he'll be gone for a few days, 他要离开几天
so that gives us time to figure it out. 所以我们有充足的时间来想
Meredith, he's my dad, and I obviously love him, 梅雷迪斯 他是我爸 我很爱他
but you don't think that we should keep this a secret, do you? 但我们不应该对此保密 对吧
We both love Byron. 我们都很爱拜伦
Whatever happens next, it's gonna be tough, Aria. 艾瑞亚 接下来发生的一切 都会很艰难
Get some sleep. 好好睡一觉