Hey. Busy? 你在忙吗
Yeah. I was just about to put out a new 忙着呢 我刚准备换一个
doormat that said "Go away." 写着"滚开"的门垫
Spencer, I know how valuable you are to the team, 斯宾塞 我知道你对团队来说很重要
but there's a hundred-year war going on 但是你和梦娜之间火药味这么浓
between you and Mona, and it's a distraction. 而且这会分散你们的精力
We need to be thinking of one thing: Winning this title. 我们得集中精力 赢得冠军
You were the swing vote, weren't you? 你掌握着最关键的那一票 不是吗
Look, we can't afford internal tension. 听着 我们可不能起内讧
War's a game that has to be played with a smile. 这场战役是得带着微笑打完的
Stop quoting Mona. 不要再引用梦娜的话了
That's Winston Churchill. 那是温斯顿·丘吉尔说的
Well, he sounds a lot like Mona. 他的语气和梦娜真像
And you know damn well that without me, 你心里很明白 如果没有我
you're going to be annihilated in world history. 你的世界史将会一塌糊涂
Think we've got it covered. 但是队里已经有人很擅长世界史了
By whom? By me. Okay. 谁 我 好吧
Andrew, you want me to practice? Let's do it. 安德鲁 你想让我陪练吗 放马过来
But if I win, you rescind your vote 但是如果我赢了 你就撤回你的投票
and you put me back on the team. 让我重新回到队伍里
I can't do that.Yes, you can. 我做不到 你当然能做到
Spencer, even if I could, 斯宾塞 就算我能做到
how do I know you're not gonna flake on us again? 我怎么知道你不会再弃我们而去呢
Well, I guess that you don't know that for sure. 我想这个你确定不了
But everything in life is a risk, 但是生活中的每件事都是一次冒险
and you like to gamble. 而你喜欢赌一把