I still don't understand why you care about this costume. 我还是没搞懂为何你如此在意这套戏服
Some girl wore it on the train. 有人穿它去万圣节火车派对
We kinda tangled, and I wanna know who it was. 我们跟她有点摩擦 想知道她是谁
I'm Shana, by the way. 对了 我是莎娜
Paige forgot her manners. 佩奇忘记给我们介绍了
Emily. 艾米丽
Oh, so it's you in the flesh. 终于见到本人了
I'm Hanna. 我是汉娜
About that costume... 那件服装...
Yeah, I checked. We can't give out that information. 是的 我查过了 但不能告诉你们
It'd be my ass. 否则我要负责任
You didn't think to mention this on the phone? 你在电话里怎么没说
Must have slipped my mind. 一时忘了
I didn't realize you'd be bringing your girlfriends. 我没想到你会带女朋友一起来
Do you have a restroom? 这里有洗手间吗
In the back. 在后面
Thanks. 谢谢
So where are the queen of hearts costumes, anyway? 那件红心皇后戏服在哪里
I wanna see what all the fuss is about. 我想看看它有什么神奇之处
Over here. 这边