You made it. 你来了
Can't stay long. But, uh, you wanted to talk? 不能待太久 但你说想聊聊
I wanted you to meet someone. 我想给你介绍一个人
Emily Fields, Missy Franklin. 艾米丽·菲尔兹 这是米西·富兰克林
Missy, Emily. 米西 这是艾米丽
So, Shana was telling me that you swim? 莎娜告诉我说你是练游泳的
Hello. Yes. I swim. 你好 对 我练游泳
I met Missy at the airport in Colorado. 我在科罗拉多机场碰见了米西
No way I wasn't introducing myself. 所以我把握住了机会
She's headed for Philadelphia, 她准备去费城
I thought it'd be fun if you two met. 我想你俩应该见面
Sit down. What do you want? I'll buy. 坐吧 你喝什么 我请客
Um, g-green tea. 绿茶
So, does Rosewood have a good program? 玫瑰镇上有没有强队啊
Yeah, pretty good. 有的 非常不错
The Sharks, right? 鲨鱼队 是吧
Right, Sharks... 没错 鲨鱼队
Oh, god, um... congratulations. 天啊...恭喜
It's not too late to say congratulations, is it? 什么时候说恭喜都不晚吧
No, it's never too late to say congratulations. Thank you. 是的 什么时候说都不晚 谢谢
You ever lose one of those badges? 你丢过自己的工作卡吗
Not if you want to keep your job. 丢了就没工作了
They have a chip, right? 里边有芯片的吧
That's how they work with the doors and stuff? 可以用来开门跟身份认证
You're asking the kind of questions I'm supposed to report. 你问我这些问题 我该要报告上级了
I'm just curious. 我只是好奇