Ignore him. 不用理他
Hanna, you don't have to talk to him. 汉娜 你没必要去理他
You know what, Emily? 知道吗 艾米丽
Sometimes you poke the bear, 这次你惹了熊
and other times, the bear pokes you. 下次它就回来惹你
It's from a movie. 电影里说的
Hello. Hello. 你好 你好
Are you following me? Me and my mom? 你是在跟踪我和我妈吗
Why would I do that? 我为什么要跟踪你们呢
I don't know. 不知道
I'm just wondering if you are. 我只是好奇你是不是在跟踪我们
No, I'm not following you. 不是 我没有跟踪你们
Well, then go away. 那你就离开吧
I went away. 我之前已经离开了
Right. You went fishing. 对啊 你去钓鱼了
That's right. 没错
And now I'm back. 但现在我回来了
And while I was away, I did some thinking. 在我离开的那段时间 我想了一些事情
You, me, and your mother. It's complicated. 你 我 还有你妈 很复杂
I don't think any of us have been 我觉得咱们都没有
completely honest with each other about things. 对彼此坦诚相待
Honesty is tough. 诚实不容易做到
Yeah, but you could make that easier on everybody, Hanna. 是 但你可以让大家都好过一些 汉娜
And how could I do that? 我该怎么做呢
The car, Hanna. 那辆车 汉娜
The car? 车
Just give me the keys, and tell me where you left it. 你只需要把钥匙给我
That's all you have to do. 然后告诉我车在哪
And then there's no more trouble from me. 我就不会再找你麻烦
All I want from you and your mother is that car. 我只需要找到那辆车