Hey. You knew we were coming, right? 你知道我们会来的 对吧
We spoke with your mom. 我们和你妈妈聊过了
We wanted to be here the first day. 第一天我们就想过来
But she said you were going to be home tomorrow, so... 但她说你明天就回家了 所以
She still believes that? 她还这样以为吗
She thinks that I'll be able to sleep through the night 她觉得只要洗个泡泡浴 然后躺在床上
if I just take a nice bubble bath and lay in my own bed? 我就能安然入眠了吗
I think what she wants is 我觉得她是想
I know what she wants, but 我知道她想什么 但是
they don't make a loofa that scrapes out the inside of your head. 海绵洗不去你内心的想法
The park rangers found a body. 护林员找到了一具尸体
Hannah! What? 汉娜 怎么了
The sooner she knows, the sooner she checks out of this place. 她越早知道就能越快离开这里
What Hannah is trying to say is we have good news. 汉娜想说的是我们有一个好消息
They found a body in the woods. 他们在树丛里找到了一具尸体
The police believe it was a camper. 警方认为是个露营者
It was Toby. 那是托比
No, Spence, it wasn't. 不 斯宾塞 不是他
This person, he'd been missing for a while 这个人 已经失踪了好一段时间了
and he was nowhere near where you thought you saw-- 而且他不并在你以为你看到
I know what I saw. 我知道我看到的是什么
It was Toby. 那是托比