Emily? It feels like home when you see a friendly face. 艾米丽 看见熟悉的面孔就有了家的感觉
Uh, this is for you. It's from my mom. 这是我妈妈给你的
Tell her I said thank you 替我道谢
and I look forward to having her over for tea 我安顿好了就会请她
as soon as I'm settled in. I will. 来家里喝茶 我会的
Is Jason back, too? 杰森也回来了吗
He's down south. Renovating grandma D's place. 他在南方 给外婆翻新房子呢
It's a beautiful house, but she let things go. 房子很漂亮 但她比较随性
And it smells like old people. 闻着有股陈旧的味道
Ali hated that smell. 艾莉讨厌那个味
It's good to hear someone say her name. 听到有人说她的名字真好
People avoid it. They're trying to be polite. 大家都避而不谈 他们遵循礼节
But it's not nice. It's weak. 但并不好 没用的
No, no, no. That's fragile. I'll move those. 别动 那个是易碎品 我来搬那些
Emily, would you mind helping with these? 艾米丽 能帮我搬下这些东西吗
Sure.Can you set that on the bed? 当然 能把那个放床上吗