Hanna.Jenna was there. Why weren't you? 汉娜 詹娜当时在 为什么你不在
You three were all buds, right? 你们三个是一伙的吧
Where were you yesterday? 你昨天在哪里
I was at swim practice, 我在练习游泳
but I don't recall signing a contract 但我不记得我签过什么合同
that said I had to report that to you. 说要给你汇报
Hanna, let's go. 汉娜 我们走吧
So swimming laps was more important 所以游几圈
than saying good-bye to an old friend? 比送老朋友最后一程还重要吗
What old friend? 什么老朋友
The groggy scumbag you and Jenna 你和詹娜把那个喝醉了的卑鄙小人
scraped off the road the night he was hit by a car. 推向了路中央的那一晚 他被车撞了
Hanna, come on. 汉娜 走吧
Hey. Got your text. What'd you want to show me? 收到你的短信了 要给我看什么
Your future dorm room. 你未来的宿舍
Or should I say "Ours." 或者应该说是我们的
What do you think? I like. 感觉怎么样 我喜欢
Seriously? 真的吗
I was going for cozy, 我本来要走温馨路线
but then it looked like 但之后又感觉有点像
cozy was one puffy drape away from "Grey Gardens." 《灰色花园》里面蓬松的窗帘
Paige, slow down. 佩奇 别高兴太早
I haven't even heard from the Stanford coach. 我还没有收到斯坦福教练的来信
They're gonna want you. 他们一定很想要你的
Maybe not as much as I do, but that's a good thing. 也许没有我那么"想" 但是件好事