Hey, Spence, it's me again. 斯宾塞 还是我
Why haven't you called me back? 为什么你没回我电话
And where are you on a Saturday morning at ten o'clock? 礼拜六上午十点钟你跑哪儿去了
I need to talk to you. 我得跟你谈谈
Hanna? 是汉娜吗
I thought that was you. 我一猜就是你
Hi, Mrs. Dilaurentis. 迪劳伦提斯夫人 您好
How are you doing? 你怎么样
Good. 还不错
You've been doing a lot of work. 你干了不少活啊
Well, everything I did yesterday was undone by an angry raccoon, 我昨天干的都被一只可恶的浣熊
or whatever's living under that porch. 还是什么住在走廊下面的小东西给毁了
Can I ask you something? 我能问你点事吗
If I fill that area in with iceberg roses, 如果我把这里种满冰山玫瑰
will it make the gray shingles look stodgy? 会显得那些灰色木瓦很乏味吗
Um, I don't...really have an opinion. 我真的不太懂这个
Really? 是吗
God knows Alison would. 艾莉森一定会懂的
I'll clump the whites over here... 我要先把白色的堆到这里
Tippi. 蒂皮
What was that? 那是什么
That? That was a gift from my late mother-in-law. 那个 那是我去世的婆婆送我的礼物
Come. Meet tippi. 过来 见见蒂皮