Hi. Hey. 你好 你
Sorry I showed up at your door. I-- 抱歉就这样出现在你家门前 我
I kinda felt like it's something I should do in person anyway. 我就是觉得应该当面找你谈
Can I come in? 我能进去吗
Yeah, sure. 当然可以
Look, I had a hunch you might not be coming back. 我预感到你不会再来上课了
Why do you say that? 为什么这么说
Took me by surprise. 我没预料到...
The--the kiss. 那个 那个吻
I don't want you to think I'm not interested, 我不希望你觉得我没感觉
because...I am. 因为 我有感觉
But if you'd like to grab a coffee or a meal sometime... 不过如果你想一起喝个咖啡吃个饭的话
Maybe you're not comfortable 也许你不习惯
with the whole teacher-student thing. 这种师生之间的感情
Could be complicated. 也许会很麻烦
Yeah. 是啊
Looks like somebody really needs to reach you. 看来有人找你有急事
We can do this another time. 我们可以晚点谈
Jake. 杰克
Can we do this over that coffee? 我们能边喝咖啡边谈吗