He's not in Pennsylvania anymore. 他不在宾夕法尼亚州了
I finally found him at a clinic in New York outside Saratoga. 我最后在纽约萨拉托加村外一个诊所找到了他
That's gotta be him. 肯定是他
Dr. Louis Palmer, M.D. 路易斯·帕默医生 医学博士
He's not listed as staff, 他不在员工名单里
but it's probably some consulting emeritus kind of thing. 但可能是退休的名誉顾问什么的
Saratoga. That's a straight shot up I-87. 萨拉托加 走I-87道能直达
Do you want to try calling first? 你不先打个电话吗
No. I don't want to take a chance that he won't talk to me. 不了 我怕他不和我谈
I'll call you when I get there. 我到了给你打电话
I thought we were both going. 我们不是一起去吗
You got your sister to worry about. 你还要担心你姐姐
The sooner that I go, the sooner I can get some answers. 我越快去 越能尽早得到答案
And the sooner we can tell the truth. 越能尽快查到真相
I'll talk to Palmer and get him to tell me 我会和帕默谈 让他告诉我
what he didn't put in my mother's file. 他在我母亲的档案中漏记了什么
Do you have to go right now? 你非得现在走吗
Now is all I've got. 再不走就来不及了