Hey, you guys, why would I dream that? 姐妹们 为什么我会做那样的梦
I mean, "A" is about to drop the hammer on my mom. A要用锤子砸我妈妈
The only thing your dream is telling you 你的梦只说明一点
is that you should be drinking warm milk before bed. 睡前一杯奶 一夜睡得香
My dad's gun is missing, Spencer. 斯宾塞 我爸爸的枪被人偷了
Yeah, and that look really bad, but we've gone over this. 是挺糟糕的 但是我们都仔细检查过了
"A" has tried to frame us before-- A之前试过陷害我们
No, it's not framing if you actually did it! 不 如果真的是你做的就不算陷害了
Hanna, this is your mother. 汉娜 那个是你妈妈
Okay, looked you in the eye and told you she didn't. 她看着你的眼睛告诉过你不是她
Don't you guys have a class to get to? 你们接下来没有课吗
Yeah, we're going. 我们这就走
You'd get there faster if your feet were actually moving. 你们得真走才能去上下一节课
Whoa, what's with your mom? 你妈妈怎么了
Kinda harsh. 有点严厉啊
I don't know. She's been really weird the past few days. 我也不知道 这几天她都怪怪的
Makes me wonder if "A's" moved on 让我一度以为A把目标
from Hanna's mom to mine. 从汉娜的妈妈转移到我妈妈了
Well, "A" can multi-task. A可会一心多用
Can you guys come over after school? 你们下课以后能来我家吗
I can't. 我去不了
I have a strategy session at the brew. 我得去咖啡店参加"战略会议"
My mom's hired a spin-doctor 我妈妈雇了一个公关专家
to make me shiny and new again. 要把我从里到外重新打造
Sorry? 什么意思
It's an admissions coach. 是个入学咨询师
She wants him to wave his magic loafer 她想让他施展魔力
and get me into college. 助我进名校
All right, I'll see you later, guys. 姐妹们 稍后见
Okay. 好的