Hanna? 汉娜
Who are you? 你是谁
I'm Beckett. 我是贝克特
Sam or Saint Thomas? 那个作家还是主教
Beckett Frye. You must be Spencer, right? 我叫贝克特·弗莱 你一定是斯宾塞吧
Yeah. What are you doing here? 是 你在这里干嘛
I'm interning with your mother. 我是你妈妈的实习生
Goldberg Penn Law School alumni fellow. 毕业于哥德堡宾大法学院
Right, that's why you'd be at her office, 所以你会在她办公室
Why are you in our kitchen? 但你怎么跑到我们厨房来了
Blame the District Attorney. 都怪地方检察官
Discovery in the Marin case. 在调查玛琳案件
They send you everything and make you wade through it. 他们把所有东西都发你 让你过一遍
D.A. got cute and sent to your mother's home address 地方检察官玩花样 把东西送到了家里
instead of her office. 而不是办公室
Somebody's in a jail cell. They make it like it's a game. 都有人被关起来了 他们还当儿戏
It is a game. 这就是游戏
That's why they use the words "Winning" and "Losing." 所以他们说输或者赢
You're gonna make a great lawyer. 你会是个好律师的
Thanks. 谢谢
Do you have many more of these? 这些东西你还有很多吗
Plenty. 很多
Let me give you a hand. 让我来帮你一把
What do you think you're doing here? 你这是在干嘛
I'm the one who killed Detective Wilden. I did it. 我杀了威尔登警探 是我干的
Go home, little girl. You're just trying to save your mother. 回家去小姑娘 你只是为了救你母亲
No, she's just trying to take the blame. I did it. 不 她只是替我受过 是我干的
You can't just keep repeating, "I did it." 你不能只是一直重复 是我干的