Do you actually think she's been living in that crawl space? 你真觉得她一直住在那槽隙里啊
Aria, there was a sleeping bag. 艾瑞亚 那儿有个睡袋
But napping isn't living. 但只是用来打盹的吧
Unless you're a reptile, which kind of describes Cece. 爬行动物就能一直住里面呗 茜茜挺像的
Least the Cece that Mrs. Dilaurentis remembers. 至少迪劳伦提斯夫人还记得是茜茜
But not just Mrs. D, 不仅是迪夫人
even Shana's scared of this girl. 还有莎娜 而且她很怕茜茜
Yeah, well I'm scared of Shana. 对 不过我还怕莎娜呢
She's not the one who used Jenna's head 她又没有在你生日宴上
as batting practice at your birthday party. 把詹娜的头当球打
Yeah, why is Cece going after Jenna? 对 那为什么茜茜要跟踪詹娜
Why would she go after any of us? 她为什么不跟踪我们
We had nothing to do with her getting kicked out of college. 我们又没害她被学校开除
We have no idea what Ali could've told her. 但我们也不知道艾莉跟她说过什么
What could Ali have possibly said that would make Cece 她说得再多也不可能让茜茜对我们恨到
hate us enough to drill holes under Ali's house 在艾莉家下面挖个洞
and stare up Emily's skirt? 偷窥艾米丽的生活吧
How am I supposed to live in that house? 我怎么继续在那房子住下去啊
Hang out on the second floor. 呆在二楼
And wear underwear at all times. 还有一直穿内衣
I'm eating this. 我吃吃这个
Hey. Where you been? 你去哪儿了
Uh, with my mom. 陪我妈
She met another lawyer. 她去见另一个律师了