Are you looking for me? 你是在找我吗
Look, I don't know who you are 我不知道你是谁
or why you find me so damn interesting, 或者为什么认为跟着我很有意思
but if you don't stop, 但你不停手的话
you're gonna be one sorry stalker. 你这个跟踪狂可是会后悔的
I'll go to Palmer tonight. 我今晚去找帕默
I-if he can remember where he stored the rest of these-- 要是他记得把其他碟放在哪...
Toby, Palmer is not a reliable source. 托比 帕默靠不住
Okay, he thought that I was your mother! 他以为我是你妈妈
He thought that Mrs. Dilaurentis was-- 他以为迪劳伦提斯夫人是...
He may remember where he kept the rest of his sessions. 他可能记得其他碟放在哪里
Look, this is a classic "A" move. 这是A的典型招数
I mean, if "A" wasn't being devious, 要不是A这么阴险
why did she have to break into your car 何必撬开你的车
to deliver this to you? 把这张碟放在这里
She was probably hoping you'd hear it 她可能是希望你听到之后
and you'd wrap your truck around a tree. 会把车一头向树撞过去
I'm gonna see Palmer tonight. 我今晚要去找帕默
You wanna come with me or not? 你要不要跟着来吧
Not. 不要
I'm meeting Aria and Emily. 我要去见艾瑞亚和艾米丽
Why? 为什么
So we can find signs of Cece 好去那诡异的地道里
in that frickin' crawlspace. 找些茜茜的踪迹
What are you doing? 你在干什么
Who are you calling? 你打给谁
Palmer. 帕默
Toby, do you understand what is happening? 托比 你明白现在的状况吗
You are completely under "A's" spell. 你正中A的下怀
Can we please, please, 求你 求求你
just take a breath and try to prove that Cece 在我们找到茜茜就是A的证据前
is "A" before we make another move? 先别轻举妄动