I thought I could make all the pieces fit. 我以为我能搞定一切
And...I did that 我之所以那么做
because I didn't wanna have to give you up. 是不想失去你
That was incredibly selfish. 我太自私了
I'm sorry. 抱歉
No. This is my apology. 别 该道歉的是我
One way or another, 不管怎样
I think my days are numbered here. 我在这里也待不久了
Yeah. Mine, too. 是啊 我也是
I know I've probably used up all my chances with you, 可能我已经没机会和你在一起了
but... 但是
After you graduate and we both leave this place, 等你毕业了 我们都离开这里之后
I would like to try and be the person you think I am. 我会努力成为你心目中的那个我
What makes you think I'd know where Jason is? 你为什么觉得我知道杰森在哪
He is your son. He's my half-brother. 他是你儿子 我同父异母的哥哥
Please don't be sarcastic, Spencer. 别挖苦我 斯宾塞
That's sort of like the native tongue in this house. 这家里的每个人天生就有这项技能
Have you asked else where he is? 你有问过别人他的去向吗
No, not directly. 没直接问过
Have you asked anyone indirectly? 你有间接地问过什么人吗
Yeah. Mrs. Dilaurentis. 有 问过迪劳伦提斯夫人
You drop that right now. 别打听了
I just wanna talk to him. 我只是想和他谈谈
Suppress the urge. 抑制下你的好奇心