Okay, let's go. 好 我们走
Was I just the lookout? 我就只是望风的吗
Did I tell you to whistle if you saw something? 我有没有叫你有情况就吹口哨
No. 没有
No, you were not the lookout. 那你就不是望风的
How are things going 浪漫文学部
in the, uh, romantic lit department? 情况怎么样
All right, that department's been shut down. 这个部已经没戏了
I was just returning a pen. 我只是还笔而已
Really? 是吗
Yes, really. 是的
He's very picky about his pens. 他对笔很挑剔
I-I borrowed one last week, 我上周借了一支
so I thought that I would return it. 所以想还给他
What's his brand? Hello, third degree. 他喜欢什么牌子的笔 严刑拷问啊
It's a Fisher ballpoint pen with a custom nib. 飞梭圆珠笔 笔尖定制
Did I pass? 我通过了吗
The correct answer was, "I don't know. It's a stupid pen." 正确答案是 "不知道 就是支破笔"
You still love him. 你还爱着他
Whether I do or I don't, 不管是不是
I'm just trying to figure things out with Jake. 我要想清楚对杰克的感情
So let me help you. 让我帮你
You like Jake. You love Ezra. 你喜欢杰克 你爱以斯拉
I'm working on it. 我在处理
Is it a page-turner? 这书好看吗
Yesterday I could barely make it through the first story 昨天我都没法看完关于我的
that was about me. 第一章