Dad. 爸爸
How did you know I'd be here? 你怎么知道我在这里
I didn't. 我不知道
I came to see Toby. 我来见托比
I thought you said you were staying at Hanna's last night. 我记得你昨晚说你待在汉娜家
I changed my mind. 我改主意了
Get dressed. You're leaving. 穿好衣服 马上离开
Sure. 没问题
Right after you call mom and explain to her 但你要先给妈妈打电话解释清楚
what's going on between you and Mrs. Dilaurentis. 你和迪劳伦提斯夫人之间是怎么回事
Or should I? 或者我来打
Jason fell off the wagon. 杰森毒瘾复发了
What? 什么
Jessica and I have been helping him get into rehab. 杰西卡和我一直在想办法送他去戒毒所
Okay. But why all the secrecy? 好吧 那为什么这么神秘
It's not like this hasn't happened before. 这又不是没有发生过
He was arrested for starting a fight in a bar. 他因为在酒吧里挑衅斗殴而被捕
He didn't want us to tell anyone. 他不希望我们告诉别人
We were respecting his wishes. 我们尊重他的意愿
And that's why Jessica wanted to wait 所以杰西卡才想晚点告诉他
to tell him about the divorce. 离婚的事
They told us any upsetting news could cause a relapse. So... 任何消极的消息都可能引起复发 所以