You know you don't have to put up a front with me. 你不用在我面前强颜欢笑
Are you gonna let me hit my stripes or not? 你到底想不想让我打花球
God, what am I doing wrong? 天 我怎么了
Here. Let me show you. 来 让我教你
First of all, you're holding your stick way too low. 首先 你把杆子拿的太低了
Once you get the angle that you want... 一旦对准了角度
you just, um, 你就
you just take the shot. 你就可以打出去了
Wow. See? Not bad. 看到了吗 不错啊
Watch out, Travis. I'm coming for you. 特拉维斯 小心了 我要赶上你了
Shana knew the conversation we had outside the barn. 莎娜知道我们在谷仓外的谈话
Word for word. 每个字都知道
Well, "A" has a way of A有这种
knowing things that seem impossible to know. 知道一切不可能的事情的能力
I looked into it and her story checks out. 我查了的 她的故事是真的
Shana did grow up next door to Ali's grandparents. 莎娜的确在艾莉祖父母的隔壁长大
That doesn't mean she's in contact with her now. 但不意味着她们现在还有联系
Look, I took pictures of some of the stories 我在A偷走艾莉的日记之前
in Ali's journal before "A" got it. 照下了里面的几面
And there are descriptions 里面有一些关于
of other places that she could be hiding. 她藏身之处的描述
We can keep looking. 我们可以接着找