Five in a row. 连进五球
Wow, you're really kicking my ass. 你还真厉害
Well, it's easy to win when someone lets you. 有人故意让我 自然容易赢
All right, it's getting late. 好吧 有点晚了
I should probably take off. 我该走了
Yeah. Well, this was fun. 这挺好玩的
We should do it again soon. 我们以后可以再玩
Rematch anytime. 随时奉陪
Sorry. Sorry, that was so stupid. 抱歉 抱歉 我太蠢了
Of course you're not into me like that. 我知道你对我不是那种喜欢
No, look... it's not that. 不 听着 不是这样的
Then what? 那是怎样
You're just getting out of a relationship. 你才刚刚结束一段恋爱
No, I'm not just getting out. 不 那不仅仅是结束
I'm completely out. It's done. 是彻底结束了 那都过去了
Maybe we should give this a little more time. 或许我们该给彼此多一点时间