Mr. Fitz? 费兹老师
Mr. Fields, Emily didn't tell me you were back in town. 菲尔兹先生 艾米丽没告诉我 你回来了
I asked my C.O. for a little personal time. 鉴于在这里发生的一切
Given all the things 我向指挥官
that have been happening here on the home front. 请了一段时间事假
Yes, well, it's been 是啊 对艾米丽来说
an eventful couple of months for Emily. 这几个月发生了许多变故
Has it affected her schoolwork? 对她的学业有影响吗
I don't think so. 我觉得没有
I mean, senior year can be quite-- 高三生活可以说相当的...
Rough, yeah, that's what she says. 艰难 没错 她是这样说的
Honestly, I think it's something more than that. 说真的 我认为不只是这样
Staying at the Dilaurentis house, that may've been a mistake. 住在迪劳伦提斯的家里可能是个错误
My wife tells me that Alison's mother, well... 我妻子跟我说 艾莉森的母亲...
she acts as if her daughter is gonna walk through the door again. 她表现得好像她女儿会回来一样
And Emily stayed and slept in her dead friend's bedroom, 而艾米丽睡在她已故朋友的房间里
and I think it took a toll on her. 我觉得那给她造成了负面的影响
Yes, well, I imagine it would. 对 我想的确会那样
How can I help? 有什么我能做的吗
Well, you seem to be one 看上去 你是...
of the few teachers she feels connected to. 少数几个让她觉得亲切的老师之一
I think she really trusts you. 我觉得她很信任你