So is your dad going to be okay? 你爸会没事吗
They'll monitor his heart for a while to make sure, 他们还要监控他的心脏 确保他没事
but in the long run, he should be fine. 但终究会没事的
Except the part where Shana gave him a heart attack. 但是莎娜害他心脏病发
It wasn't a heart attack. 不是心脏病
The doctors said his chest pains were caused from anemia. 医生说他的胸痛是因为贫血
Besides, I don't think it was her. 再说 我觉得不是她
I mean Shana led me to Ali. 莎娜带我去见艾莉
Why would she turn around 为什么调转枪口
and punish me for trying to find "A"? 为我想找到A而惩罚我
And we know that "A" is a dude. 我们知道A是个男人
Maybe Shana's helping this dude. 也许莎娜在帮这个男人
Wasn't she seen sneaking around Wren's apartment 她不是被看到在任的公寓边上偷偷摸摸的
shipping boxes to Melissa? 搬箱子给梅丽莎吗
Sure, but let's say it's not Shana, you know. 是的 但假设不是莎娜的话
Could be somebody else? 还有可能是谁
Maybe it's somebody who's working on the play with Mr. Fitz. 也许是跟费兹老师一起演舞台剧的人
I was the first crew member he brought on. 我是他找的第一个演员
And he asked you to meet him after school, right? 他让你放学后去找他 对吧
Yeah, he asked me to copy audition scenes 是的 他出去办事了
while he was out running an errand. 让我复印试镜幕
He said he'd come by if he could. 他说可以的话会过来一趟
What about you, Aria? 那你呢 艾瑞亚
What about me? 我怎么了
I was just wondering if maybe since you and Jake broke up... 我就在想 也许你和杰克分手了...
Yeah, that doesn't mean we're back together. 那也不代表我跟他复合了
Look, look, I've been taking some time for myself. 我还在花时间想清楚
Ezra and I haven't talked in a really long time. 我和以斯拉很久没说话了
- Do you think you could ask him? - No. -你能问问他吗 -不行
No asking, no following, no taking a look. 不许问 不许跟 不许看