I need your help. 我需要你的帮助
Okay. 好的
How can I help you? 我能怎么帮你
Not here. Inside. 别在这儿 进去说
If you want my help, 如果你想要我的帮助
you're gonna have to answer some questions. 得先回答几个问题
I'm an open book. 我一定奉告
So what about Paige? 所以佩奇是怎么一回事
Was that on purpose? 你是故意的吗
Did you date her to get to me? 你是为了接近我才和她约会的吗
When I met her at swim camp, 我在游泳俱乐部遇见她的时候
I didn't know you were the one she was still mooning over. 并不知道你就是她朝思暮想的那个人
When I got to town, I put it all together. 我到镇上后 才把这一切弄清楚
You've always acted like you want to come between us. 你总是一副想接近我们的样子
I saw a button and I pushed. 有机会我自然就利用了
It let me know what I needed to know. 它让我了解我所要知道的
Which is? 你要知道什么
You're loyal, fiercely protective, 你很忠诚 保护欲强
emotional but not a fool. 情绪化 但并不傻
Just like Alison said. 就像艾莉森所说的一样