Great. 很好
So you were spying on us too? 所以你也在监视我们吗
For Alison? 为了艾莉森
Not spying, just taking a look around, 不是监视 只是四处看看
trying to get to know you. 想了解你们
Is that what you were doing in Wren's apartment? 你去任的公寓就是为了这个
Trying to get to know him? 想了解他
He placed an ad. 他发了一则广告
Hired me to ship and pack some boxes in a hurry. 雇我给他迅速打包运送几个箱子
When he found out I go to Rosewood High, 当他发现我在玫瑰镇高中的时候
he asked me to be discreet. 就让我小心点
Be careful with that. 小心点
- It's-- - It belonged to Alison's grandmother. -那个 -是艾莉森的奶奶的
Ali said it was a gift for someone special. 艾莉说这是给一个特别的人的礼物
Wouldn't tell me who. 不愿意告诉我是谁
Now I know. 现在我终于知道了
Emily, I saw you and Hanna today at Alison's house. 艾米丽 我今天在艾莉森家看到你和汉娜了
I figure you're probably going to ask about that too, 我想你可能也想问这件事
so why don't we just lay it on the table? 所以我们为什么不直入主题呢
Okay. 好的
Could you sit? 你能坐下吗
You're making me nervous. 你让我很紧张
I was trying to get something for Alison, 我想给艾莉森拿点东西
but I never got a chance. 但我没有机会
Her mother was so happy to see me, 她妈妈看见我特别高兴
I never got a second alone. 所以我没机会单独待着