i just got home from a lovely evening with my mom. i brought her flowers and she loved them. she gave me a big hug and even had some tears in her eyes. i think she has been quite lonely since she and my dad got divorced.
she puts up a good front, but there aretimes when i see how vulnerable she really is. i think sometimes she misses being married. i took my mom out for sushi and then we went to the neighborhood pub for a drink.
we watched a great two-piece band and they were very good, so we stayed much later than we had planned. an older gentleman bought us martinis and we invited him to sit down with us.
he flirted a bit with my mom and she even flirted back. it was really unnerving to watch. sometimes i forget that my mom is a beautiful, vibrant and sexy woman. maybe it's time she got back into the dating scene. i just hope she doesn't want to start coming to nightclubs with my friend and me!
it's hard for me to imagine being in that situation. you go into a marriage expecting to spend your whole life with someone and to be separated after that must be difficult.
isn't it interesting when you groow up enough to see your mm as a person witnh her own life and story apart just being your mom?
i don't have such a close relationship with my mom. i'm envious that you can hang out with her as friends.