That last report wasn`t to say that only private astronauts would get to have fun in space. Aboard the International Space Station -- well, this happened.
Astronaut Scott Kelly, who`s spending almost a year in orbit, recently received a care package from his twin brother back on earth. It contained a gorilla costume. So, why not?
This isn`t the first time an ape has spent time in space. But it probably is the first time that one chase other astronauts around.
NASA, the National Aeronautics and Simian Administration.
They simian to have a go-really good time up there. People say spaceflight could be pretty hairy, at least they found a spacesuit that if not breathable, is still pretty ape-aling.
I`m Carl Azuz and NASA all the time we have for CNN STUDENT NEWS.
That last report wasn`t to say that only private astronauts would get to have fun in space. Aboard the International Space Station -- well, this happened.
Astronaut Scott Kelly, who`s spending almost a year in orbit, recently received a care package from his twin brother back on earth. It contained a gorilla costume. So, why not?
This isn`t the first time an ape has spent time in space. But it probably is the first time that one chase other astronauts around.
NASA, the National Aeronautics and Simian Administration.
They simian to have a go-really good time up there. People say spaceflight could be pretty hairy, at least they found a spacesuit that if not breathable, is still pretty ape-aling.
I`m Carl Azuz and NASA all the time we have for CNN STUDENT NEWS.