1 Arrive latefor the interview. 不要迟到。
2 Indicate you are late because the directions you were given were not good.即使迟到也不要把不认识路当成借口。
3 Look disheveled and inappropriately dressed. 衣着要整洁得体。
4 Slouch in your seat. 坐姿要端正。
5 Don'tmaintain good eye contact with the interviewer.要与面试官保持良好的眼神交流。
6 Do your company research at the interview by asking, “What do you guys do here?” 不要问面试的公司是哪个行业的。
7 Don't make aconnection between your skills and the needs of the employer.一定要把自己掌握的技能同所要应聘的岗位相挂钩。
8 Brag about how great you are, but neglect to cite evidence of your accomplishments. 不要炫耀自己的战绩而不给出实例。
9 Respond in an unfocused, disorganized, and rambling manner.说话回答问题要讲求条理。
10 Remainlow-key and display no enthusiasm for the job.要对应聘的工作表现出充分的热情。
11 Answer most questions with simple “yes” and “no” answers.不要仅仅用“是”或“不是”去回答问题。
12 Appear desperate for a job-any job. 适当表达对应聘职位的渴求。
13 Call the interviewer by his or her first name, or use the wrong name.注意正确地称呼面试官。
14 Badmouth your current or former employer. 不要说领导的坏话。
15 Ask, “Howam I doing? Are you going to hire me?” 不要问这两个问题。
16 Blurt out“I need to make at least $35,000. I hope this job pays at least that much,” near the beginning of the interview.不要在面试之初就不假思索地报出想要的薪酬。
17 When asked,“Do you have any questions?”, reply “No.”当面试者问你还有何问题的时候,千万不要说没有问题。