阅读,不是为了得到什么,而是在被生活打击的无路可退时最后的安身之所。静静等待,阅读,一定会给予你奖励。下面是英语美文:英语作文和写作 ENGLISH COMPOSITION AND ESSAY WRITING的资料,希望你会喜欢!
Writing is an art you may not be able to grope instantly. It comes over a period of time and with constant practice. Essay comes from the French word ‘essai’ that means effort and to sketch. So it is your effort that you put into the job to get a reverberating outcome. Because it is some kind of freedom you experience when you write your expressions that stream in your mind.
Unlike other academic homework’s that you get, composition and essaying is one kind of writing where you can write how and what you feel. Of course keeping in mind the author’s representation of thoughts and words that you are digging into and then letting out your thoughts takes a different turn. That is essaying in a nutshell. Giving a title to your work is very difficult. You have to encapsulate the entire thought of your writing in the topic. The title should say it all, says your teacher. So sometimes the best way to get a title is to work from below i.e. to write your essay and then while doing so, something entertaining will strike you from the words written. Take it and put it in the title.
There are different styles of writing your essay. Nobody wants to read the monotonous style of narrative writing. Pen your style with metaphors, comparisons, hyperbole, unpredictable conclusions, interesting phrases and a climaxing end. But of course this will not come to you out of the blue.
Get your hands on some essay books by authors that have a good command over English, and tell a tale in an interesting manner. Run through their word and sentence structure. Paragraph start and end and the connecting factors between the paragraphs. And of course the beginning and the end. And then practice your way to perfection.
Tips on how to write a good essay :
Plan your essay in advance
Do not write straight away. Plan before you begin.
Jot down briefly the main ideas, supporting paragraphs and points.
Write clear and simple sentences to express your meaning in simple words.
Stay focused on the main idea of your essay.
Re-read your essay in the end.
While writing your essay, it is probable that you will make a few spelling or grammar mistakes. Hence it is a good idea to try to read through your essay once more and correct them.