心灵美文_什么是爱 What is love
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    看尽繁华,才懂淡然;经历磨砺,才得从容;读懂人心,才知随缘。夜深人静的时候,聆听来自心灵的呼唤。走进心灵,体会初衷。以下是听力课堂小编整理的心灵美文_什么是爱 What is love的资料,希望你会喜欢!

      Being possibly the most trivial question of all time, this is one hard question to ask.

      Love is not a bond, or a relationship, but more of a heart to heart conversation. When the conversation grows, the bond and relationship forms. Therefore, love creates the bond and relationship.


      Still, that leaves us with the main question, what is love?


      Love is no ordinary thing. It is not voluntary, but when it begins, you will know.


      There are three types of love. Infatuation, love of family, and love of your spouse.


      Infatuation, most commonly known as “Puppy Love”, is basically love at first sight.
      Infatuation can be the beginning of a future spouse love. Though most often infatuation doesn’t amount to much.


      Love of family is loving your mother and father, and any siblings you may have. You want to protect them, watch over them, and fill their lives with an unbounding joy. The parents have an innermost feeling for their children, which in my case, they express everyday.


      Love of your spouse means loving someone you are married to. Whether husband or wife, you support your spouse with a deep modesty, and you treat them with great respect.


      Okay, so I told you the three types of love. But I still haven’t told you what love is. I told you a definition, a heart to heart conversation, but does that tell you much? No. So, I will put it straight.


      Love means to care, to protect, to watch over, to pray for, to make sure the loved person is happy. But to tell you the truth, those are all parts of love. Not love itself.


      So, I will tell you what I think of love. Love has a meaning, but we will never know. Many philosophers have tried, but all their attempts have failed. Every single one of them!


      Love is actually never the same thing.


      Your destiny, your future path, what you choose to do, that all determines what love is. Love is never the same, you make up the meaning of love by how you choose to use it.


      上一篇:心灵美文_夕阳无限好 Leaving Work to Gaze at Sunsets 下一篇:心灵美文_心灵日记

