CATTI是学英语人的一块试金石,平时都觉得自己英语学的还行,试过CATTI就知道自己是什么水平了。这里还是建议大家实践为主,因为翻译这种东西,经验和技巧太重要了。下面是小编整理的关于CATTI二级笔译日常练习:为学一首示子侄摘选(文言文) 的内容,希望对你有所帮助!
There is nothing difficult for us to do in the world. If we do it,the difficult thing will be easy;if we don’t,the easy thing will be difficult.There is nothing dificult for us to learn. If we learn it,the difficult thing will be easy;if we don’t,the easy thing will be difficult.
There lived two monks in the western frontier of Szechuan,one poor and the other rich.One day the poor monk said to the rich one.
“I want to go to Nanhai,what do you think?”
“On what do you depend for going there?”asked the rich monk.
“A bottle and a basin will suffice me,”answered the other.
“Well,I have been meaning to go there by boat for many years,but failed.How could you go without any support!”
After one year the poor monk returned from Nanhai,and told his story to the rich one,who was ashamed to hear it.
It is so many thousand miles from the western frontier of Szechuan to Nanhai.The rich monk failed to go,but the poor one went.Couldn’t we make up our minds to do something as the poor monk of the western frontier of Szechuan did?
(1)因为一国有一国的特殊语法,翻译是决不能完全照字面直译的,例如本文第一句:“天下事有难易乎?”用白话说,便是世界上的事有没有难和易的分别,如照此英译为 Is there a difference between difficulty and easiness in things of the world?则不合英美语法的表现方法,所以应该意译,看英美人对于这样的意思是怎样表达的,我们就怎样来译,不必拘泥于原文字句。注意nothing difficult,不能说成difficult nothing,因为在thing字上已有一个形容词,就不能再加别的字。他例如something Chinese(一点中国的东西)也是同样的用法。普通的情形,当然可以说not a difficult thing(不是一件难事)。
(2)为学:to learn.
(4)鄙:指边鄙地方,可译 the frontier districts,或简说 frontier.(5)之:去。
(6)南海:不可译作the South Seas (南半球的海洋;南太平洋),因为此处系指普陀山,南海观世音菩萨说法处,故音译为Nanhai.
(8)恃:依赖,可译作 depend on.
(11)越明年:意即经过了一年,故译为 after one year.
(12)惭色:意为惭愧之色,译为 to be ashamed 即可,色字不宜译出。
(13)不知几千里也:意即有好几千里,故译为 many thousand miles.文学作品对于距离不必太准确,否则应以 li(里)代 mile(英里)。
(15)立志:下决心做事。to make up one’s mind.
以上就是小编整理的关于CATTI二级笔译日常练习:为学一首示子侄摘选(文言文) 的内容,大家切记要经常动手翻译,坚持一段时间,一定会获益颇丰!