GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (GDP), the most common gauge of national prosperity, has taken a lot of flak in recent years. Critics say that counting a country’s spending on goods, services and investment misses the full value that citizens get from products such as Google and Facebook. They also note that GDP ignores other aspects of development, including personal health, leisure time and happiness. These criticisms probably exaggerate GDP’s failure to capture the wealth of nations. Gallup, a pollster, has asked people in 145 countries about various aspects of well-being. Many of these correlate strongly with GDP per person. To take an obvious example, nearly all residents in the top 10% of countries by spending say they have enough money for food, compared with just two-fifths of those in the bottom 10%.
国内生产总值gross domestic product (GDP)
衡量国家繁荣程度最常用的指标the most common gauge of national prosperity
饱受抨击 take a lot of flak
N-UNCOUNT If you get a lot of flak from someone, they criticize you severely. If you take flak, you get the blame for something. 抨击 [非正式]
The president is getting a lot of flak for that.
个人健康personal health
夸大了GDP在衡量国家财富方面的不足 exaggerate GDP’s failure to capture the wealth of nations民意调查机构 pollster
密切相关correlate strongly with
V-RECIP If one thing correlates with another, there is a close similarity or connection between them, often because one thing causes the other. You can also say that two things correlate. 和…相关 (尤指互有因果关系); 相近 [正式]
Obesity correlates with increased risk for hypertension and stroke.
举个明显的例子To take an obvious example
在消费水平居前10%的国家中in the top 10% of countries by spending
GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (GDP), the most common gauge of national prosperity, has taken a lot of flak in recent years. Critics say that counting a country’s spending on goods, services and investment misses the full value that citizens get from products such as Google and Facebook. They also note that GDP ignores other aspects of development, including personal health, leisure time and happiness. These criticisms probably exaggerate GDP’s failure to capture the wealth of nations. Gallup, a pollster, has asked people in 145 countries about various aspects of well-being. Many of these correlate strongly with GDP per person. To take an obvious example, nearly all residents in the top 10% of countries by spending say they have enough money for food, compared with just two-fifths of those in the bottom 10%.
国内生产总值(GDP)是衡量国家繁荣程度最常用的指标,近年来却饱受抨击。批评人士认为,它只计算了一个国家在商品、服务和投资上的支出,而忽视了公民从谷歌和Facebook等产品中获得的全部价值。他们还指出,GDP忽略了社会发展的其他方面,包括个人健康、休闲时间和幸福感。 这些批评可能夸大了GDP在衡量国家财富方面的不足。民意调查机构盖洛普(Gallup)就福祉的不同方面调查了145个国家的民众。其中许多方面都与人均GDP密切相关。举个明显的例子,在消费水平居前10%的国家中,几乎所有居民都说自己有足够的钱买食物,而在消费水平最低的10%的国家中只有五分之二的人这么说。