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    供给侧改革(Reform on the supply-side)



    With regard to the reform on the supply-side, it means to strive to raise the competitiveness to advance economic development through unleashing the productive forces on both sides of supply and production, centering on increasing total factor productivity.

    In the recent years, some problems occurred in supplies of China, which caused overcapacity on one hand and insufficient supplies to meet people's demands for high-quality and highly value added products. Thus, many Chinese demands for consumption have to be met by overseas products. Problems on the supply-side are actually the structural ones, so the central government proposed the reform on the supply-side with the structural adjustment as its core.

    创新创业(Innovation and entrepreneurship)

    中央经济工作会议提出: "坚持深入实施创新驱动发展战略,推进大众创业、万众创新,依靠改革创新加快新动能成长和传统动能改造提升."


    According to the Central Economic Work Conference, great efforts should be made to push forward the innovation-driven development strategy and boost the mass entrepreneurship and innovation, in a bid to accelerate the growth of new driving forces and upgrade of traditional ones by relying on reform and innovation.

    Innovation should be made comprehensively, covering system, theory, technology and pattern. The main force of innovation is made up of enterprises, including state-owned and private ones. Thus, we need to inspire their enthusiasms for innovation, especially state-owned enterprises' leading role in innovation. The individual is the main force of entrepreneurship. Necessary measures need be taken to reform scientific research and educational systems in order to address problems in exam-oriented education and scientific research systems and cultivate the innovative talents.

    双向开放(Two-way opening up)



    The following issues on opening up are confirmed to be prioritized in 2016:

    First, efforts should be made to continue to expand our international space through implementation of strategies and plans such as the "Belt and Road," Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and free trade zones; second, our foreign trade development patterns should be continuously changed from "massive imports and exports" to "quality imports and exports"; third, the open economy's status should be stabilized in the national economy to further give play to the role of optimized allocation of resources; fourth, efforts should be made to strengthen global governance to address international pressure.

    去库存(De-stocking/ Reduce the number of unsold homes)



    Central Economic Work Conference suggests that it is required to open the supply-demand channel, digest inventories and stabilize the real estate market through accelerated citizenship of migrant workers and expansion of effective demands under the requirements on increasing the urbanization rate of registered population and deepening the reform of housing system.

    The "de-stocking" of the real estate market will experience a long period. During the period, the governmental policy should be combined with the market in order to break all institutional thresholds through reforming so as to give a bigger role to the market, truly promote the urbanization and citizenship of migrant workers and implement the reform of household registration system, which is the most important propeller for bolstering urban consumption in the future.

    去产能 (Reduction of excess productive capacity/ Cut excessive industrial capacity)


    There are many ways to reduce overcapacity, such as commonly-seen bankruptcy and merging and reorganization. However, it should be noted that, the Central Economic Work Conference especially emphasized "more merging and reorganization and less bankruptcy and liquidation," which indicates that the central government has fully considered the temporary and structural unemployment pressure as well as various social and livelihood issues triggered by bankruptcy.

    补短板(Improving weak growth areas/ Improve weak links)


    In a long period, China's economic development was relatively driven by investments in infrastructure, but most investments were made in tangible areas and few in intangible areas. For example, a majority of urban water supply and drainage systems were outdated and very poor in addressing emergencies, so rain often resulted in the flood in cities. Meanwhile, we should continue to increase investments in intelligent city management, Internet, information technology, public services and other "soft" infrastructure in order to meet current demands of the society.



    The "de-leveraging" task put forward in the Central Economic Work Conference doesn't only thoroughly prevent and address financial risks facing China but also highlights major duties. The regional finance may face some pressure of income and expenses in the next year. Thus, if the regional governments' debts can't be properly addressed, some risks may appear. The task of "de-leveraging" is a pre-arranged plan for preventing such risks. However, one of important preconditions for completing this task lies in accelerating the replacement of debts.

    降成本(Lowering corporate costs)



    In the current context of business operation in China, enterprises clearly face the problem of heavy burdens and high costs. There are actual needs for helping enterprises to reduce costs.

    Great efforts should be made to help enterprises to reduce their costs. It is necessary to take actions to lower costs of enterprises of real economy and launch a portfolio of plans. It is important to reduce the transactional costs brought by the system, transform the government's functions, streamline administration and delegate power to lower levels, and further clear up and standardize the intermediary services. Measures should be taken to reduce enterprises' tax burdens and further rationalize taxes and cancel improper fees. It is also important to reduce social insurance charges; lower enterprises' financial costs, urge financial institutions to create the policy environment of interest rate normalization and give up some profits to the real economy; lower the electricity prices by promoting the market reform of electricity prices and improving the linkage mechanism of coal and electricity prices; and reduce the logistics costs by boosting the structural reform of logistics.

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