其实中国不缺可以获得诺贝尔文学奖的作品,缺乏的只是有效准确传神的翻译.记得暑假时看过一本翻译成英文的老舍写的<骆驼祥子>,感受特别大.我在初二时就在老师的推荐下看了这本书,而且还看了好几次,所以特别熟悉.然后我看了英文版的<骆驼祥子>以后,我陷入了沉默与思索.翻译后的<骆驼祥子>把人物的语言和性格也刻画得不错.用词也不错.然而缺乏的是一种对文化背景的渲染.一种对时代动荡的描述. 更重要的一点是.原文中的有些话语是一语双关的.或者是含有深刻意义的.然而遗憾的是,译者只是单纯的将话语用直译的方式表达出来, 而没有采用意译的方式将内在的意味揭示出来. 于是,整本书被译成了一个稍微长点的无聊的故事.读完了也觉得索然无味.老舍先生寄予祥子的深厚感情及深刻思想荡然无存.而我可以基本断定,译者虽然是美国某大学的博士毕业生,资历很高,可是他一定没有仔细阅读过原文,或者说没有认真正确地体会到这本书的真正的思想. 如此的翻译. 给中国学生学习词汇表达还好.要是被外国朋友读了,他们肯定会不以为意,觉得所谓中国的名著也不过如此.呵呵.我知道我的资历很浅,也没有什么造诣.在此只是发发牢骚,大家不要介意!
深圳大学 赖小琪
Plain face towards the heaven. I was writing this concise phrase seriously. “Are you going to cook a bowl of pure noodles facing the sky? My husband came and said( in Chinese the written form of “face” is the same with that of “ noodles”)
I told him that once upon a time, dating back to Tang dynasty, there was a comely lady that was the sister of the wife of the emperor. Counting on her natural charming beauty, she never made up though she was meant to meet the emperor. Hearing my remarks, my husband burst into laughter, saying, “I definitely know the legend. But you ought to know you are not beautiful.
Yes, I can claim to the whole world that I am not beautiful. But facing the heaven without any makeup is not the patent to those beauteous ladies. Instead, it is a way of living that can be adopted by all women.
Looking around at each tree, grass, leave, flower, etc, you will get the realization that they never make up but retain their natural beauty that is not intended to modify their appearance, but to epitomize their inspiring bravery and courage to confront the fire-like sun, the furious storm and the heavy snow. Aging and fading as they are, it is also kind of genuine display of life. Even the vegetation knows to present a true self, as the superior animal to the rest, why our human beings always mask ourselves under the cosmetics?
I have ever seen one of my female friends washing her cosmetics off her face. The water mixed with foul dense red or black stuff was flowing down her cheeks, as if the flood was sluicing across chains of mountains.
The real one, like a cheeper chicken suffocated in the egg, came to herself. I thought the one with real and distinct eyes and eyebrows standing before me, is exactly my friend. The previous one wrapped into colorful cosmetics is an artificial stranger.
Face, which we were born with, is the proof retorted to by our parents to distinguish the continuation of our consanguinity. It is a thread of clue with which my husband located me in an ocean-like crowd. It is also the tag with which my son engraved his mother on his mind.
Every face is a drawing of life. Those who are even reluctant to unfurl their faces may be regarded as hiding a tampered ID card that buries too much secrecy
All the secrets weigh. Those who once carried a made-up face all the way may feel extra fatigue and concern.
Cosmetics can conduce to one’s youth, which is repeated nonstop to us by countless commercials. I have a friend who always goes out with heavy makeup, which renders her gorgeous as a glowing neon. One midnight I delivered her a phone call made by her friend. The minute the door opened, I felt too stunned to open my mouth, staring at her scorched and toilworn face under the glaring lamp, as if an ancient thread-bound book.
“I cannot go without makeup.” She told me afterwards, “it is just like smoking and will induce people to get back to it. Now I have totally lost the courage to face myself without any cosmetics. Makeup was undertaken merely to deceive others, then it gradually turned out to be self-deceived. How much I envy you with a plain and pure face!” I show great compassion to this piteous lady.
It is a common wisdom that all of us are aging gradually. I contemplate my age calmly, as if viewing a little-by-little impending sailboat. Why do we cover this reality? Covering is not merely a matter in-vain. To begin with, it is a matter of cowardice.
Self-confidence does not go conversely with age, as if it does not necessarily parallel beauty. Courage and strength is not stored in the face, but in our own hands.
Cosmetics are merely made up of macromolecule chemical compound, some juice and grease. It is incomparable with our human confidence and stoutness. It is just like a sky-high building needs toughest concrete and steel to uphold instead of several superficially good-looking but unworkable bamboos
I often reckon ladies with cosmetics commit a big mistake that can be defined with a Chinese proverb that remain the cheap package box and return the precious pearl after buying the pearl. After being decorated, my strongly-painted eyelashes are calling for you attention. But the expressions in your eyes enclosed by the fence-like fake eyelashes are flickering dimly.
“pay attention to my lips!” the cherry-red lipstick is calling eagerly. But the utterance emitted from the contour-clear lips is so shallow and pale.
Cosmetic emphasizes the parts of our bodies with shining colors to call for our attention. But those parts are where our weaknesses lie.
Grinding your heart to an iron one is far more difficult than decorating your appearance. its difference is like that between crystal and glass.
To a woman, owning no beauty does not inevitably mean losing self-confidence. Beauty is a talent born, but self-confidence is just like a seedling that can be sowed and nurtured to a flourishing forest until the end of our earth!
I do believe the smile without cosmetics is more pure and nice. Similarly, I do believe the look in the eyes without cosmetics is more earnest and sincere, and that the women without any cosmetics have greater courage to confront life!
But for the job and etiquette, I will never make up for the whole of my life.