1.薰鱼:smoked fish (请比较:fish that has been smoked,后者啰唆)
2.浆过的衣服starched clothes (请比较:clothes that have been starched)
I knew through a newspaper article that much intake of salt was an occasion of high blood pressure. (请比较:I read an article published on a newspaper and knew that…)
In schools, the language of the branch with the majority of students dominates the conversation, yet students from the same branch prefer their own language.
(请比较:In schools, the prevalent language is the filiation that has the largest number of student speakers, yet students from otherwise same branch still talk in their own language.我们发现,前一句体现出英语物称主语(impersonal subject)的特点,而students from the same branch prefer their own language寥寥数语,却将“但同一支系的学生相互交谈又使用本支系的语言”的意义交代得清清楚楚。)
The Changtong will come forward and please them with wine and tip them with candies and money.
(请比较:The “Changtong” will come out of the troop and solemnly pour out wine for them to drink, and give them some wedding candies and money.)
In some places, the bridegroom plants some banana trees and sugar canes in front of his house, the banana trees a wish for the prosperity of later generations, and the sugar canes a sweet sign of a happy life.
(请比较:In some places, as the bride is to enter the bridegroom’s home, banana trees are planted in front of the house praying for offspring’s prosperity. Meanwhile, sugar canes are also planted with the hope that the new life is sweet in every section as the sugar cane.)
Shy and quiet, she finds herself in front of a road barrier.
Man captures it, makes a specimen of it and sells it in the market at an increasingly high price.
I don’t expect you to be famous. All I want is for you to stay healthy, and safe from misfortune.
The thought of her brought back her image as she knelt in front of Mother, her face pale and tearstained, her month-old infant in her arms.
He was a man of few words, but of all smiles.
12. ……是私人房产。房东并不因为它完全不像个样子就将房租压得便宜些。
The house was privately owned, and the landlord would not reduce the rent however ramshackle condition of the structure.