There were so many things then to talk about that I wanted to spew them out like a string of beads ... But something seemed to hold me back. Everything just swirled around in my head and I couldn't get the words out.
After this there were so many things I wanted to talk about, they should have poured out like a string of beads ... But I was tongue-tied, unable to put all I was thinking into words.
杨氏夫妇曾于1956年翻译了鲁迅先生的《故乡》,在1980年又出版了修订的译本。此处所选片断出现在小说中的“我”与童年时代的好友闰土在时隔二十余年后再次相见之时。在1956年的译本中杨氏夫妇将“但又觉得被什么挡着似的”直译为But something seemed to hold me back。这样一来给读者的印象是“我”觉得自己现在与闰土身份悬殊,潜意识里想与他保持距离。这无疑是对书中人物情感的一种不当阐释,因为此句的上文中曾交待过,闰土要来的消息让“我”兴奋不已,一下子勾起对童年和故乡美好的回忆。这里的“被什么挡着似的”指的是“我”多年后再见到闰土时有太多的话想说,一时却又不知该说些什么才好。在修订本中,杨氏夫妇在更深入理解原意的基础之上用tongue-tied一词,生动贴切地表达了人物真实的情感。由此可见,要想使译文从内容和情感上真正做到忠实,必须充分考虑语境的因素,在正确理解的基础上妥帖地表达原文的意义与功能。