As soon as the rain stopped, a sparrow, almost full-fledged, flew into the courtyard. It hopped around, fluttered at times, darting up to the edge of the flowerpot and back to the ground again. Watching it move up and down like this a couple of times, I realized that it could not fly any higher as the plumes on its left wing have got twisted, and one is sticking out as if about to come off any moment.
汉语句群里往往有些词或词组重复出现。有时作为一种修辞手段,加强语气。原文中描述一个受伤的小麻雀飞翔的情况,出现了多达五次的“飞”字,使句群内部语义连贯,主题突出。但英文行文往往避免词语重复现象,而且事实上小麻雀飞的具体动作并不完全一样,因此,译文围绕主题,采用近义词替换的方式,分别用“flew into”、“fluttered”、“darting up”、“move up and down”、“fly”等词和词组,确切地表达了词语意义,也实现了句群的语义连贯。