有声名著《格列佛游记》56:第11章 格勒大锥和拉格奈格(1)
教程:有声名著《格列佛游记》  浏览:1579  
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    Chapter 11 Glubbdubdrib and Luggnagg

    第11章 格勒大锥和拉格奈格

    Although the Laputans were kind to me,I did not want tospend a long time in their country.Therefore,I decided totravel from Balnibarbi to the island of Luggnagg,from there toJapan,and then home to England.


    But before I went to Luggnagg,an official I had met in Lagado persuaded me to visit the smallisland of Glubbdubdrib.You'll find it a very interesting place,he told me.Glubbdubdrib meansthe island of magicians.All the important people there are good at magic,you see.ThePresident is the best magician of them all.But I must warn you,he has some very strangeservants-they're all ghosts!By using magic he can order the ghost of any dead person to be hisservant for twenty-four hours,and the ghost must obey.


    It seemed unbelievable,but it was true.When we arrived on the island,we were invited to thePresident's palace.His servants certainly looked strange to me there was a smell of death aboutthem.When the President no longer needed them,he waved a hand,and they simplydisappeared.




      上一篇:有声名著《格列佛游记》55:第10章 勒皮他飞岛(10) 下一篇:有声名著《格列佛游记》57:第11章 格勒大锥和拉格奈格(2)

