该公司创立时的主要业务为商业打字机,之后转为文字处理机,然后到计算机和有关服务,2011年IBM在中韩两国行贿被罚1000万美元。2013年9月19日,IBM收购了英国商业软件厂商Daeja Image Systems,打算将其并入软件集团和企业内容管理(ECM)业务。2014年1月9日,IBM宣布斥资10亿美元组建新部门,负责公司最新电脑系统Watson。
2016年6月8日,《2016年BrandZ全球最具价值品牌百强榜》公布,IBM 排第10名。
International Business Machines (IBM) is a multinational computer and information technology corporation. It’s the fourth largest tech company in the world and has the second most valuable brand. IBM has its origins in the nineteenth century. It was founded in 1896 as the Tabulating Machine Company by Herman Hollerith. It was listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 1911 as theComputing Tabulating Recording Corporation and became International Business Machines in 1917. Today its business is computer systems, software and hardware, semi-conductors, and IT consulting services. The company employs 400,000 people worldwide. Its staff have won five Nobel Prizes among numerous other international awards. According to its website, these IBMers share the corporate value of “innovation that matters.”