Give us ten minutes. We`ll give you an explanation of world events. I`m Carl Azuz for CNN STUDENT NEWS.
10分钟,就可以通过CNN 学生新闻了解世界时事.我是卡尔`阿祖兹,为您播报CNN学生新闻.
First up this Thursday, struggles in France. Authorities there have cleared out "The Jungle", the nickname for a massive migrant and refugee camp that had swelled in the French port city of Calais. Many of the people there were from war-torn violent or impoverished countries. They`ve streamed by the hundreds of thousands into Europe, and "The Jungle" formed because Calais is just miles from Britain, the country where many of the migrants want to start over.
But European Union rules say they have to apply for asylum to stay in the first European country where they set off. So, authorities in France are trying to resettle them there. Part of that process involves clearing out camps like "The Jungle", where living conditions were terrible and French officials say crime rates were uncontrollable. But other camps are growing in several other places, like parts of Paris.
但是欧盟规定, 难民只能在入境欧盟的第一个成员国申请庇护.所以,法国当局试图重新安置这些难民.其中就包括拆除”丛林”难民营,那里的生活环境非常的糟糕,官员还表示,那里的犯罪率已经失控.但是,在其他的地方人如法国部分地区已经建立的别的难民营.
And though French law says migrants are eligible for housing while they`re waiting to see if they can legally stay in France, there`s a serious shortage of housing in Paris. With more migrants arriving daily, the strain in the city becomes more visible.
尽管法国法律规定,如果难民想知道自己是否可以合法在法国居住,这些移民有资格申请住房.现在法国住房短缺.随着每日有更多的移民到达法国, 该城市的压力显而易见.
Give us ten minutes. We`ll give you an explanation of world events. I`m Carl Azuz for CNN STUDENT NEWS.
First up this Thursday, struggles in France. Authorities there have cleared out "The Jungle", the nickname for a massive migrant and refugee camp that had swelled in the French port city of Calais. Many of the people there were from war-torn violent or impoverished countries. They`ve streamed by the hundreds of thousands into Europe, and "The Jungle" formed because Calais is just miles from Britain, the country where many of the migrants want to start over.
But European Union rules say they have to apply for asylum to stay in the first European country where they set off. So, authorities in France are trying to resettle them there. Part of that process involves clearing out camps like "The Jungle", where living conditions were terrible and French officials say crime rates were uncontrollable. But other camps are growing in several other places, like parts of Paris.
And though French law says migrants are eligible for housing while they`re waiting to see if they can legally stay in France, there`s a serious shortage of housing in Paris. With more migrants arriving daily, the strain in the city becomes more visible.