People who love skydiving say it`s pure magic. For the 2017 Guinness World Records day, a magician worked his magic during a 120-mile per hour freefall. He completed 11 tricks over the course of a 15,000-foot sky dive to set the record. The same magician holds the title for most magic tricks performed in a wind tunnel in three minutes. That was eight.
喜爱跳伞的人表示,这就是一个魔法. 第12届“吉尼斯世界纪录日”在全球各地举行,一位魔术师在索尔兹伯里15000英尺的高空跳伞中完成了11项震撼人心的魔术,自由落体期间的速度高达120英里/小时。在英国威尔特郡举行的“GoSkydive”挑战中,这位28岁的魔术师Martin Rees创造了一项不可思议的纪录——单次高空跳伞表演最多魔术。他以完成8项魔术的成绩创造了‘三分钟内在风洞中表演最多项魔术’的纪录。
Maybe to him, all that was a breeze. But it was no gimmick.
Putting on an act with danger is no illusion. Probably took a violate of practice.
I`m Carl Azuz and this is my vanishing act.
People who love skydiving say it`s pure magic. For the 2017 Guinness World Records day, a magician worked his magic during a 120-mile per hour freefall. He completed 11 tricks over the course of a 15,000-foot sky dive to set the record. The same magician holds the title for most magic tricks performed in a wind tunnel in three minutes. That was eight.
Maybe to him, all that was a breeze. But it was no gimmick. You got a sleigh to hand it to anyone Abracada-brave enough to press their limits.
Putting on an act with danger is no illusion. Probably took a violat of practice.
I`m Carl Azuz and this is my vanishing act.